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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's official!

It's now official!  We are the Hamiter 6!:)  My heart is longing to the together Hamiter 6, but know the ones left at home are being well loved and cared for.
We have so enjoyed continuing to get to know Micah.  His nanny's told us that he is a happy, active boy, (among other things such as naughty!)  and boy, are they right!  This kid is so full of joy.  Trace and I are so so thankful that things have gone very smoothly so far.  He sleeps so well, and this kid eats more than bam bam eats at home, and that is saying A LOT!  I'm sure he is enjoying having food whenever he wants it as well, and this will probably even out.  Some people told us as he is getting used to life, he will probably over eat because he doesn't know when to stop, and then throw up:///.  So it's a fine line between not depriving him of food, so he knows he now has an endless supply, and making him some boundaries so he doesn't make himself sick!  We also know, and have heard on several occasions from friend who have adopted that the first few days are usually pretty good, and then the real grieving and hard part sets in.  So, we're going on 2 days in, so please continue to pray for him and his heart that he would know he is deeply loved and safe.  And that we're not going to leave him.
Yesterday we went back to the civil affairs office, where we first picked him up, to have a ceremony, taking an oath that we will "never abandon or abuse him, and we will take care of him until he grows up."  We had no idea what to expect out of yesterday, and when we went into this formal looking room, with the other 4 families, we were the first ones up!  Because we hadn't seen one happen yet, and we were the first, as the Chinese official was talking, and giving us our oath, I was so emotional!  This process in bringing him home, was becoming official.  He is no longer an orphan.  HE IS OUR SON!

We shared a lot of laughs yesterday which was so so fun.  I love to hear him cackle!  I also started wearing him in the ergo, and he loved it!  He is far surpassed the size where I would use it with kids from birth, but I really think he liked the closeness!  It has helped in attachment across the board.  Thanks Kim and Nathan for the ergo on loan!  Great last minute pack.

We are visiting his orphanage today.  I have mixed emotions about this.  On one hand while I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world, to see where he spend 2.5 years of his life (he was in another orphanage for the first 9 months), how he did life, and who cared for him, I know this is still "home" for him.  I have heard horror stories about going back to the orphanage, and I am praying against these things.  I think it's important for him to go back, and carry him back out ourselves.  His nanny's and teachers that I met on Monday were precious, and I am so thankful that he was well cared for and loved while here.

You're in for a treat today with the pictures to come.  Trace was tossing him in the air yesterday and catching him, and I caught some awesome smiles.

Please continue to pray for us, while we have had a great first few days, I know we still need the prayers and harder days may be coming!

  • Please continue to pray that Micah feels knows he is loved and knows he is safe.  
  • Please pray for attachement and bonding.  While it looks like it is happening very well, I want to be eyes wide open, and doused in prayer for it to continue this way
  • our visit to the orphanage.  It really could go any way.  I have no idea.  
  • Our babies at home.  I miss them terribly!  Please continue to pray for them as well, that they never doubt how loved and adored they are, and for their minds to be pre-occupied that they wouldn't think about missing us.  And for Grandbubba and Cece who have them this week!  
Thank you for all the facebook comments, texts and emails.  Yall have been truly precious, and we have felt your prayers all the way.  Forgive me if I don't get back to all of them, I have limited time in the hotel where we get wifi, and try to do it when Micah is asleep!  

It's official!  Chen chen is a Hamiter!

all of us after it's been made official!  4 less orphans!

Gray put this dinosaur in my suitcase for Micah, and boy was it a winner!  He doesn't go anywhere without it!

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